Thursday, September 27, 2012


Let's end this by returning where we came from
a cosmic blank plastered in white
as we never had a name
we'll leave it to the hang man
stand still with no fight
as I wonder
I don't understand this encounter
A supernatural kidnapping
at some supermarket's beam
the distance can only be dignified
and we have to love this ending
I please you
I make you come
I forget you while you're still breathing.
While you're barricading your breath  
something pronounce your death
maybe it was my voice
maybe it was the sea breaking
in two
as for always 
we were always one
never me
never you
am the window banging
in radiant endings
you're the ashtray of my thoughts
scattered snapshots
even though I ve eroded my knees
as pale empty submarines 
I don't regret this knife
and books never read 
on how to 
handle soulless meat
it was me the steps who stopped from
Let's end this by returning to this evening
that never happened
or maybe it did
I was never good for such remembering
though it is funny now
while nothing make sense
staring at a room
I' ll be painting red

Picture: Todd Hido

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